We believe in Pro Drops. That is why we offer you a Rock-Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee. This means that if you are not happy about the results of Pro Drops, you can ask us for your money back!
How does it work?
After you receive your order, try it, and if you are not 100% satisfied just let us know! Our friendly support team will help you with what to do next. You have a full 60 days to try the product. So please try it well, several times, with several drinks. You have to find what works best for you.Why we offer this?
Because we believe this is the only way how can you, a customer, really try out the product. And we know that the product works, so the only worry of most of our customers is how to get more Pro Drops, not how to get their money back.No tricks, no games
We will not force you to fill in nonsense documents or ask you to prove something. If we find you in the order system, we will just confirm the order with you and ask you to send all full and empty bottles back to our company. Once we receive them, you will get your full refund!Any questions? We are here to help!